MAJOR EVENTS IN THE HISTORY OF THE STAR WARS SAGA By Robert C. Knight, Star Wars Historian BSD: years before the Imperial Senate is dissolved (Star Wars IV: A New Hope) ASD: years after the Imperial Senate is dissolved, before the Battle of Endor ABE: years after the Battle of Endor (Star Wars VI: Return Of The Jedi) IMPORTANT NOTE: These are the events as of Star Wars: Champions of the Force, book III of Kevin J. Anderson's trilogy (Bantam Spectra, September 1994) NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: This text file is being distributed as freeware. You may download and distribute through BBSs and the Internet without risk, so long as this notice is included. This file is periodically updated and further versions will appear as more is learned about the Star Wars saga through additional books, movies, and other media. The author welcomes any comments from Star Wars fans that might improve on this document. Send your comments, inquiries, and questions by "snail-mail" to: Robert C. Knight 185 Wright Dairy Road Reidsville, NC 27320 or e-mail to: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25,000 + BSD Pre-hyperdrive era. First attempts to establish trade and diplomacy between the various cultures of the galaxy. Earliest records of Alderaan's explorations. c. 25,000 BSD Beginnings of Old Republic. Order of Jedi Knights begins (presumably on Ossus, in the Adega system). 25,000-4,000 BSD Expansion under Old Republic. Somewhere in this period Xim the Despot conquers much territory before being defeated by Old Republic forces. The Sith will also appear before either being destroyed or vanishing. c. 4,000 BSD Ulic Qel-Droma becomes a Jedi under Master Arca. Nomi Sunrider begins the Jedi training meant for her murdered husband. Exar Kun becomes a Jedi under Master Vodo-Siosk Baas on Dantooine. Qel-Droma turns to the Dark Side after confronting the Krath. Exar Kun discovers the Sith records on Yavin Four. Kun becomes the first Dark Lord of the Sith. The Great Sith War begins. Qel-Droma allies with Kun, then betrays him. Nomi Sunrider also plays a pivotal role in the war. Kun enslaves the Massassi natives of Yavin Four. The Great Temple is built (later used by the Rebels in the Battle of Yavin) is built. The Old Republic attacks Yavin Four. Exar Kun absorbs the life force of the Massassi and traps his essence within the temples. End of the Great Sith War. Kun lies in wait for the next four thousand years. c. 900 BSD Yoda is born, location unknown. c. 400 BSD Jedi Academy ship Ch'unthor crashes on Dathomir. Yoda leads several Jedi to recover the downed school, but is repulsed by the Witches of Dathomir. 200 BSD Chewbacca is born on Kashyyyk. 132 BSD Jorus C'Baoth is born on Bortras. 112 BSD C-3PO is activated at Cybot Galactica Corporation. c. 80-70 BSD Palpatine is born, location unknown. 60 BSD Obi-Wan Kenobi is born, location unknown (possibly Alderaan). c. 60-30 BSD Somewhere in this period, Palpatine begins studying the Dark Side of the Force. 55 BSD Anakin Skywalker is born. 48 BSD Mon Mothma is born. c. 35 BSD Jorus C'Baoth wins sanctioning of the Outbound Flight Project. He and five other Jedi Masters launch from Yaga Minor. They are destroyed by Thrawn's task force under orders from Palpatine. Clone of C'Baoth created either before the launch or after the attack. The Clone Wars begin. Obi-Wan Kenobi serves under Bail Organa of Alderaan. Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker become friends. Dark Jedi insurrection in Bpfassh system. One of the Dark Jedi flees to Dagobah. He is pursued and stopped by Yoda. Clonemasters defeated by Old Republic and Jedi Knights. Somewhere during the Clone Wars will be the battle above Honoghr, home of the Noghri. End of Clone Wars. 29 BSD Han Solo born (either on Corellia or elsewhere in the Corellian system). 35-18 BSD Fall of the Republic. Corruption, prejudice, and abuse of power throughout the galaxy. Palpatine, long an unassuming senator, begins his rise to power through a combination of promises and alliances. Senators Mon Mothma and Garm Bel-Iblis begin opposing Palpatine. Bail Organa, Viceroy of Alderaan, bans all weapons from Alderaan. c. 18 BSD The Ghorman Massacre. Mon Mothma begins organizing resistance to Palpatine's "New Order". She goes into hiding. Assassination attempt on Senator Garm Bel-Iblis of Corellia. He goes into hiding and begins his own war. Anakin Skywalker disobeys his Jedi teacher and friend, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and studies the Sith teachings. Anakin Skywalker declares himself Darth Vader, the new Lord of the Sith. His wife goes in hiding and gives birth to Luke and Leia. Luke is placed with Kenobi's brother on Tatooine, Owen Lars. Leia and her mother are placed into the custody of Bail Organa of Alderaan. President Palpatine seizes control of the Republic's military and declares emergency martial law. Palpatine becomes Emperor. Kenobi and Vader have first battle as enemies. Vader falls into a molten pit and is left for dead. Thereafter he relies on machinery to life. Slaughter of Jedi begun throughout the galaxy. Kenobi goes into hiding on Tatooine. c. 10 BSD Han Solo, an officer in the Imperial Navy, is court-martialed and discharged for freeing a Wookiee slave. The Wookiee, Chewbacca, makes himself honor-bound to Solo, and the two set out on a life of wheeling and dealing, including their adventures in the Corporate Sector. Also around this time the Emperor completes his Mount Tantiss storehouse on Wayland, and will set the clone of Jorus C'Baoth, known as Joruus C'Baoth, as it's Guardian. Also, the Empire makes contact with the planet Calamari. Ackbar is captured and made a servant of Moff Tarkin. The Mon Calamari and Quarren rebel against the Empire's hold on Calamari. Empire repulsed. It may have been somewhere here that Darth Vader made contact with the Noghri. 3 BSD Moff Tarkin (who captained the Republic ship at Ghorman which landed despite the presence of thousands of peaceful demonstrators protesting excessive taxes, killing or injuring hundreds) proposes the Death Star in his Tarkin Doctrine of "rule by fear". The Emperor makes Tarkin the first Grand Moff and provides all resources Tarkin might need for his battle station. Tarkin secretly establishes the Maw Installation and sets Admiral Daala (the Empire's only woman admiral) as it's commander. Bevel Lemelisk and his team design the Death Star. Construction begins in orbit above Despayre, a penal colony in the remote Horuz system. 2 BSD Leia Organa becomes the youngest ever Senator in the Imperial Senate, which still holds some power, although Palpatine's supporters hold a strong majority. 1 BSD Han Solo drops a load of glitterstim spice coming from Kessel, in an escape from Imperials. His employer, Jabba the Hutt, allows Han time to recoup the loss. 0 BSD Grand Moff Tarkin makes his final visit to Maw Installation. He tells the scientists there to create something worse than the Death Star. A Rebel assassination attempt on Tarkin fails, but frees Ackbar. Rebels intercept Death Star plans and will deliver them to Princess Leia Organa. The Death Star becomes operational, making it's first target the penal colony of Despayre. Leia sets off on the Tantive IV to find Obi-Wan Kenobi. Darth Vader pursues her to Tatooine. Leia places the Death Star plans inside R2-D2. Artoo and his counterpart C-3PO escape to Tatooine after Vader captures Leia. The droids are captures by Jawas, and then sold to Owen Lars. Artoo sets out to find Kenobi. Luke Skywalker and Threepio find him, are attacked by sandpeople, and are rescues by Kenobi. The Imperial Senate is dissolved, with total rule now under the Emperor through the Moffs and regional governors. Owen Lars and his wife Beru are killed by stormtroopers hunting the two droids. Luke takes Kenobi to Mos Eisley. They and the droids arrange passage to Alderaan with Han Solo. Solo kills Greedo, a henchman of Jabba. Solo's ship, the Millenium Falcon, flees Tatooine. Tarkin destroys Alderaan before it can join the Alliance and recall it's weaponry, and as a public demonstration. The Falcon is captured by the Death Star as it exit's hyperspace at Alderaan's location. Skywalker, Solo, and Chewbacca free Leia. Kenobi dies as he battles Vader for the last time. The Falcon escapes to Yavin Four and the Rebel base hidden there (in the same temple Exar Kun built four thousand years earlier). Battle of Yavin. Luke Skywalker destroys the Death Star. Tarkin dies but Vader escapes (his custom TIE fighter possibly possessing hyperdrive capability). The Rebels flee Yavin just before the Empire can lay siege to the system. 1 ASD Fearing for his life, Bevel Lemelisk, architect of the Death Star, flees the Empire. He is found and the Emperor asks him to design another, larger Death Star. Lemelisk removes the flaw of the previous battle station, improves the superlaser, and sanctions for a place to begin construction. Endor will be chosen as site of construction. 2 ASD Rebel base established on Hoth. Han Solo is nearly captured by Boba Fett and Bossk on Ord Mantell. Commander Ackbar recruits the insectoid Verpines in developing the B-Wing starfighter. 3 ASD Darth Vader discovers the rebels at Hoth. In a manner still unknown, he learns about Luke Skywalker. The Battle of Hoth is won by the Empire, but the Rebels are able to evacuate Echo Base. Luke goes to Dagobah and for several weeks learns the Jedi ways under Yoda. Han Solo, Leia Organa, Chewbacca, and C-3PO are pursued by Vader. Luke has his vision in the Dark Jedi's cave. Vader arrives at Cloud City and pressures Lando Calrissian into betraying his friend Solo. Solo's party is captured. Solo is carbon-frozen and given to Boba Fett. Luke arrives at Cloud City to free his friends. Luke has first duel with Vader. Luke loses his right hand in battle, and Vader reveals he is Luke's father. Luke throws himself down an air shaft rather than give in to Vader. Skywalker is rescued by Leia, Lando, and Chewbacca. Vader pursues the Falcon, loses it, and returns to Cloud City. He recovers Luke's hand and lightsaber. They are taken to the Emperor's storehouse on Wayland. Luke receives his artificial hand. Lando and Chewbacca leave for Tatooine. 3-4 ASD Somewhere during this year, the second Death Star is discovered by Rebel Spies. Admiral Ackbar, General Crix Madine, and others begin plans for an assault while the station is being built. Grand Admiral Thrawn departs for the last time to the Unknown Regions. He will not return until four years after Endor. 4 ASD Luke returns to Tatooine. He builds his lightsaber in Obi-Wan Kenobi's former home. Han Solo freed from carbonite by Leia. Luke arrives at Jabba's palace to free his friends and kills the Rancor. He is seen by Mara Jade. The battle at the Sarlaac. Leia kills Jabba. Boba Fett falls into the Sarlaac; he will blast his way out some time after the battle. End of Jabba's organization. Luke goes to Dagobah. Shortly before he dies, Yoda confirms that Luke is Vader's son. Kenobi's spirit counsels Luke and tells him Leia is his sister. The Emperor arrives at the Death Star. The Rebel fleet assembles at Sullust. Solo leads the assault on Endor's shield generator. The Rebels meet the Ewoks. Luke gives himself up to Vader in an effort to save him. Vader brings Luke before Palpatine. Battle of Endor begins. Rebels and Ewoks succeed in destroying the shield. Lando Calrissian leads the direct assault on the Death Star. Vader and Luke have their second duel. Luke stops short of killing Vader and angers the Emperor. Palpatine tries to kill Luke, but Vader destroys the Emperor. Vader shows his face to Luke before he dies. Calrissian destroys the Death Star's main reactor. Imperial fleet in disarray. Star Destroyer Chimaera escapes under Captain Pellaeon. Vader's funeral pyre. 0 ABE Immediately after the Battle of Endor, the Rebels aid the Imperials at Bakura. The Ssi-ruuk Imperium is defeated. Coruscant, galactic seat of power, falls to the Rebels. Riots and insurrections throughout the civilized portions of the Empire. Declaration of a New Republic is chartered. 1-5 ABE New Republic adopts Coruscant as it's seat of government. Provisional council formed. Imperials now splintered into several factions. They will be pushed back to a quarter of their former territories. Palpatine's life essence reforms in the clone labs on Byss. Palpatine begins planning his return. 3 ABE Han Solo competes with Prince Isolder of Hapes for Princess Leia's hand in marriage. Han wins the planet Dathomir in a game of sabacc. He gives the planet to Leia for the survivors of Alderaan, then kidnaps her and takes her to Dathomir. Luke and Isolder become allies and go to Dathomir. Han and Leia are captures by the Rancor-riding Witches of Dathomir. Luke discovers the lost Ch'unthor academy. Warlord Zsinj is defeated by the New Republic and the Hapan fleet. Witches free Han and Leia and give Luke the lost Jedi records. Marriage of Han Solo and Princess Leia on Coruscant. 4 ABE Grand Admiral Thrawn returns from the Unknown Regions. He discovers the fleet under Captain Pellaeon and takes command. Imperial fleet begins reassembling. Preparations begin on Byss for Palpatine's return to power. 5 ABE Leia Organa Solo pregnant with twins. Grand Admiral Thrawn begins his offensive. Obi-Wan Kenobi's final visit to Luke Skywalker. Han Solo tries to recruit smugglers as cargo haulers. Joruus C'baoth discovered by Thrawn. Luke's return to the Dark Side cave on Dagobah. Luke's capture by Mara Jade, who is working for smuggler Talon Karrde. Luke, Han and Lando escape frm Myrkr. The Battle of Sluis Van Shipyards. Admiral Ackbar is arrested. Talon Karrde moves his organization to Rishii. There he reveals that he knows where the Katana fleet lies. Han Solo is captured, and taken to Senator Garm Bel-Iblis. Bel-Iblis wishes to join the New Republic, but mistrusts Mon Mothma. The Empire and New Republic races to find the Katana fleet. Leia goes among the Noghri and discovers the Empire has been lying to them. Battle for the Dark Force. The return of Bel-Iblis. It is discovered that Thrawn is cloning soldiers. Ackbar released and his accuser Borsk Feyl'ya is disgraced. Thrawn begins attacking planets loyal to the New Republic. Leia gives birth to Jaina and Jacen. Kidnapping attempt on the twins made inside Imperial Palace. Luke and his party set out to find and destroy the Spaarti cloning lab at Mount Tantiss. The Siege of Coruscant. Luke and Mara confront Joruus C'baoth inside Mount Tantiss. Luuke Skywalker, the clone of Luke made from his missing right hand, battles Luke. C'Baoth loses his mind. Deaths of C'baoth and Luuke. Grand Admiral Thrawn is slain by his Noghri bodyguard Rukh. Pellaeon and the fleet flees to the Unknown Regions. The remants of the Empire rally and make lightning raids on Republic-held space. Coruscant falls within weeks of Thrawn's defeat. New Republic now on offensive again, and sets up field headquarters at Da Soocha V. The Imperial Civil War between the Imperial Navy and the Emperor's Ruling Circle. Emperor Palpatine finds those in the military who are still loyal to him. 6 ABE New Republic Star Destroyer Liberator crashes on Coruscant, stranding Lando Calrissian, Wedge Antilles, Luke Skywalker and several Rebels. Luke goes into the Imperial Palace and discovers clues that the Dark Side is on the move again. Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo rescue the downed party from the mutinous Imperials. Luke refuses to be rescued. The Force storm on Coruscant sucks him and R2-D2 up into captivity. The World Devastators first appear, making their first target the planet Calamari. Luke is brought to Byss and comes before the Emperor. Palpatine reveals how he is immortal through the Force and cloning technology. Luke joins the Dark Side in an effort to destoy it from the inside. The Battle of Calamari. On Nar Shadda, Han and Leia recruit the aid of Shug Ninx and Salla Zend, Han's old girlfriend. Leia meets Vima Da-Boda, a former Jedi and descendant of Nomi Sunrider. Han and Leia are ambushed by Boba Fett and Dengar. Han and Leia, Chewbacca, Shug and Salla go to Byss. Han and Leia find Luke and Leia attacks the Emperor. The Super Star Destroyer Eclipse, Palpatine's flagship, is launched. Leia wins Luke from the Dark Side. She, Luke, and Leia's unborn son negate Palpatine's Dark Side influence. The Jedi Holocron is recovered by Leia. Palpatine dies again in battle over Da Soocha V. The Eclipse is destroyed. Empire on run again. Rebuilding begins on Coruscant and Calamari. 7 ABE Anakin Solo, son of Leia and Han Solo, is born and put into hiding with Winter, Leia's top aide. Han and Chewbacca captured at Kessel. Moruth Doole puts them deep in the spice mines where they meet Kyp Durron. Luke begins searching for Jedi candidates. Han, Chewbacca, and Durron escape Kessel and try to navigate through the Maw black hole cluster. They are captured by the Maw Installation instead. Admiral Daala interrogates Han and discovers her commander and lover Grand Moff Tarkin is dead. Qwi Xux, who designed much of the Death Star, asks Han about the Death Star and shows him the Sun Crusher, a small vessel that can destroy whole solar systems. Ambassador Furgan of the Imperial training world Carida arrives at Coruscant. At a diplomatic function, he splashes Mon Mothma with a neuro-toxin. Luke and Lando Calrissian arrive at Kessel to search for Han and Chewie. Han, Chewie, Durron, and Xux escape the Installation. Daala sets out in four Star Destroyers, losing one to the Sun Crusher. Battle between Doole's fleet, the Imperials, and Republic. Luke establishes his Jedi praxeum at the former Rebel base on Yavin Four. Mon Mothma's health begins to fail. The disaster on Vortex: Admiral Ackbar places himself in exile as a result. Daala begins hit-and-run attacks on several planets. The spirit of Exar Kun is awakened. Kun corrupts several of Luke's students. Mara Jade comes to the academy. Daala attacks Calamari and loses another Star Destroyer. Kun show Durron the ways of the Sith and Durron rebels against Luke. Durron visits the site of Darth Vader's pyre on Endor and declares himself the new Lord of the Sith. Durron destroys Xux's mind and steals the Sun Crusher. The Jedi Holocron self-destructs. Durron confronts Luke and Kun disables Luke's mind. Durron attempts to destroy Daala at the Cauldron by detonating it's component stars. Daala escapes but loses her third Star Destroyer. Durron arrives at Carida and demands the return of his brother. He destroys the system's sun and kills his brother trying. Leia and the twins arrive at Yavin 4. Luke now exists on an astral plane; he calls out to the twins for help. The New Republic leads an attack on Maw Installation. Tol Sivron, the director of the Installation, flees in the Death Star prototype. Durron continues his rampage against the Empire. Daala strikes the Republic again. Mon Mothma resigns her position and appoints Leia as Chief of State. Luke and Kun struggle in the spirit realm. The Jedi candidates defeat Kun and free Luke. Durron surrenders to Solo and is brought to Yavin 4. He is forgiven by Luke. The Death Star prototype is destroyed in battle. Daala flees. Cilghal cures Mon Mothma. Kessel is attacked by the Republic and the smugglers coalition. Doole is killed. Lando takes over on Kessel. The Cathedral of the Winds is rebuilt on Vortex. Luke graduates his first Jedi at the praxeum on Yavin 4.